Brain Training | Intensive Remediation Programs
Learning doesn’t have to be so hard when you utilize our brain training programs
That sounds great, easy… right? But it is not always easy… Not for everyone. Why do some children seem to learn so easily while others struggle every step of the way? The answer to that question is not yet clear. The field of neuroscience is growing their understanding of brain function at lightening speed. We have more information about the Learning Brain today than we ever dreamed possible. And there is still much we do not understand. Those of us attempting to step up to the challenge of blending this cutting-edge neuroscience research with educational tools and brain training, find ourselves constantly buried under piles of reading and motivated by the endless possibilities for solutions.
What is the Learning Brain?
The brain is said to be the single most complex entity in the universe! There are more than ten-billion neurons; each of those neurons controlling more than ten-thousand other neurons; that equates to something over hundreds of trillions of connections. Wow! That is difficult to imagine! I am no way near being able to explain this three-pound bundle of wrinkled goo that sits on top of our shoulders. However, I think I have a good handle on the basic sections of the brain that contribute to the development of efficient learning skills.
Here are the sections we are most concerned with when we talk about the Learning Brain at the Brain Zone:
- Senses and Movement
- Memory | Short-term, Working and Rapid Automatized Naming
- Visual Perception
- Auditory Processing
- Executive Functioning
- Attentional Skills
If any one of these learning systems are not matured or functioning at less than optimum efficiency, we will struggle to learn in a typical classroom setting. If your child fits into this category, we strongly recommend Brain Training. Brain Training, also called Cognitive Training, assists the child in developing the immature or inefficient learning systems in the brain. Brain Training is not for everyone. Let me be very frank here . . . there are no magic pills or instant solutions! Brain Training is expensive and it takes time to retrain the brain. That is why we offer academic tutoring, remedial classes, and brain training – if brain training is not in the budget or timeline, we have academic programs and classes that are multi-sensory and extremely effective when taught by qualified instructors.
Brain Training is part of an Intensive Remediation Plan that starts with a free consultation. Typically, we sit down with the parents to discuss the child’s academic struggles, review report cards and school work. If available, we will review all school and/or third party assessments that have been administered, as well as Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and reports. This will provide enough information for us to make a recommendation for appropriate next steps.
Appropriate next steps may consist of scheduling several appointments for further administration of assessments for developing a Functional Academic Assessment. An FAA can take from six to 12-hours to administer. To complete this process, we usually schedule several two to four-hour blocks of time, one-on-one, with your child and the assessor. After all assessments have been administered, they are scored, analyzed, and a report is created. The evaluation report consists of the assessment data, the analysis, and a remediation plan with a cost estimate.
Typically, an intensive remediation plan consists of four to six months of brain training. It is critical that the brain training is followed by academic tutoring and remedial classes to fill the learning gaps created by the child’s inability to perform at grade level. The older the child is, the greater the learning gaps, and therefore, the longer the academic remediation process.
Remember, it all starts with a free consultation and a detailed review of the parental concerns, goals and prior testing. Call our learning center now or complete the Contact Form to get started on the process of healing and a bright future for your child!